
a selection of graphic works in formats suitable as desktop wallpapers: high quality JPEGs with 1280x1024 pixel.



active desktop wallpaper: bike under typo
  • bike under typo - 800x600 jpg preview [blueSolar - 103kB] [redNight - 92kB]
  • bike under typo - 1280x1024 jpg [blueSolar - 398kB] [redNight - 194kB]
  • bike under typo html page (7kB) with link map.

    make sure the background image name in this html code is correct!
    customize the link map to your HD folders to let the wallpaper
    replace all the icons on your desktop!
    unfortunately the map cannot easily be resized to match other screen resolutions :(

the copyright of this desktop wallpaper and the footage material is owned by blausand and alexander fekete.

see also bike under typo making of page featuring footage material and explanation of how the wallpaper was done.

active desktop wallpaper: fade no.

the copyright of this desktop wallpaper and the footage material is owned by blausand and alexander fekete.

see also: fado no. making of page featuring footage material and explanation of how the wallpaper was done.

heavy ingrediences wallpaper: m1ndfukc
see also: m1ndfukc making of page featuring detail excerps in original resolution, footage material and explanation of how the collage was done.
movie theme style wallpaper: Donna Quichota
see also: Donna Quichota making of page featuring detail excerps in original resolution, footage material and explanation of how the collage was done.
poetry sandwich wallpaper: reklame

desktop wallpapers: heimBarMucke 2001

see also elc003: heimBarMucke CD cover making of page featuring more details, the complete booklet, a hot link to the footage and a desciption of how it was done (and why).

desktop wallpaper: cycling egypt
see also: white man on a bicycle - logbook entrys of somebody who left a cool place at quite a hot time.
and: desert panorama - making of page featuring an volcano effect version, the three footage photos and a documentation of the process.