this is what the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy has to say about the subject of... refridgerators: the fridge sound syndrom, also known as god.wav describes the intelligent interaction between highly selfconscious temperaturedependent triggermodules (i.e. egothermostates) and hinduistic brahman-atman-style vibration sound fields. latest scientistic attitudes tell the story like this: a man, lying in his bed, is desperately trying to get some sleep. not that his wife had left him or what. he's neither forgotten to flush before he lay down. his bed in a house in nebraska, his neighborhood is nothing but far, far away. it's just this feeling, you know, which says, hey, this night is gonna be a long one... attempting to catch the clue, his brain orbits around the logout-routine, slowly aproaching it. he's just on the edge of melting into the universe, connecting the nirvana-server, downloading the screensaver, sharing thoughts with his towel, when one last deep breath, evaporating day.temp data, causes a 6 ft away standing machine to make a unrecognizable, but though effectful move to the left. making this move to the left just the billionst part of a second later, the in-built thermostate immediately begins to roam the awful story of fowl eggs and fluid margarine, getting so much into detail, that the fridging module remembers about his job faster than a soap lost in bath. the effect of extracting the number 42 out of a three days' printer job parenthesis is more than necessary experienced by the almost but not quite dreaming adventurer receiving the concrete audio signal from exactly the wrong side of consciosness, i.e. reality. bus&bahn im ruhrgebiet: fahrn die ganze nacht durch.